Electrochemistry: Unraveling the Energetic World of Electron Transfers

There are many important topics that we have to study in this chapter such as 

  • Electrocchemistry
  • Condutor &  Insulator
  • Types of Conductor : Metallic & Electrolytic electrolytes and electrolysis.
  • Types of Electrolyte : Strong & weak Electrolyte cell
  • Types of cell : Electrochemical & Electrolytic cell Electrochemical cell or Galvanic cell
  • Cell Diagram
  • The concept of half cell & types : Oxidation half cell & Reduction half cell
  • Electrode Potential
  • Foctors  affecting Electrode potential :- Nature of metallic atom, Nature of metallic ion, concentration of metallic ion, Pressure and Temperature
  • Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) or normal Hydrogen Electrode (NHE) or reference electrode standard electrode potential
  • Standard Electrode Potential
  • Forms of study on standard electrode potential: Standard Oxidation Potential (SOP) & Standard Reduction Potential (SRP)
  • Electrochemical series & their Applications
  • Standard Cell Potential

Cell Potential or EMF of cell or Nernst Equation

  • Applications of Nernst Equation
  • Concept of Free Energy change or GIBB’S Energy for chemical reaction
  • Determination of G0 at Equilibrium state
  • Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis :  1st Law and 2nd Law
  • Relation between Electrochemical Equivalent and Equivalent weight of the substance
  • Electrical Conductance & Specific conductance
  • Molar Conductivity & its unit
  • Equivalent conductivity & its unit
  • Relation between Molar & Equivalent Conductivity
  • Cell Constant
  • KOHLARAUSCH’s LAW & its Application
  • Types of Commercial cells : Primary Cells and Secondary cells
  • Dry Cell – its Construction & Working
  • Mercury cell
  • LEAD Storage Cell – its Construction, Working & Recharging
  • Nickel Cadmium Storage Cell
  • Fufl Cell
  • Advantages of fuel cells over ordinary batteries
  • Types of Batteries on the basis of the application of battery : Household Batteries, Industrial  batteries, Vehicle Batteries and watch Batteries
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